20221113 | Disciples Know Everything Sad Is Coming Untrue (Isaiah 65.17-25)
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/
The Passage: Isaiah 65.17-25
The One Thing: Disciples know everything sad is coming untrue Growgroup Discussion Starters
K1 When it comes to your time, would you prefer your ceremony to be called a funeral or celebration of life? Why?
G1 Andrew Peterson wrote about the silence of God (youtu.be/2O1bNzlv7tg). Have you experienced the silence of God? Why don’t think God just arranges things so we can hear Him all the time?
G2 Think about Jason Gray’s lyrics: “I believe everything sad is coming untrue In the hands of the one who is making all things new”. Where do you see this being lived out? And do you struggle with this lyric at all?
G3 Which funeral are you most looking forward to: the funeral for death (20)? Fear (21-22)? Dissatisfaction / unfulfillment (22-23)? Cosmic silence / loneliness (24)? Evil and the dog-eat-dog world (25)? Share a one or two of your reasons why.
G4 Verse 18 tells us that we will rejoice and be glad in God. Verse 19 shows that God will rejoice and be glad in us. Which of these ministers to your soul most powerfully?
G5 Isaiah 65:17-19 | Think of how one way you could purposefully live your life as a practice “Celebration of (new) life”?
G6 Isaiah 65: 20-25 | Prayerfully consider how you could perform a practice funeral for one of the 5 things mentioned in G4 this week.
S1 Take a few minutes to listen to Jason Gray’s “Everything sad is coming untrue” youtu.be/CT3wBQoKhUs or Andrew Peterson’s “The Silence of God” youtu.be/2O1bNzlv7tg allow this to springboard you into a conversation with God.